Like the Plynlimon and Hafan Tramway, some thirty miles to the south, the Ganllwyd Tram was but a brief spark flung out of the white hot furnace of late Victorian industry and commerce. Looking at what little remains of the Ganllwyd Tramway today the casual observer could be forgiven for doubting that it ever existed.

Friday, 17 February 2012

Dawdling along

Like all the best minor lines the speed of progress of the Ganllwyd Tram can best be described as ambling. So what's new? Precious little, is the answer I'm afraid. What has been done are the construction of a few wagons, a card mock up of the turbine house and the development of a simple loop and pin coupler.

Part of the reason for the lack of dynamism is that I've recently become distracted by the Darjeeling Railway, which with one of those weird parallels of fate originally went under the name of the Darjeeling Steam Tramway. Anyone for tea?

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