Like the Plynlimon and Hafan Tramway, some thirty miles to the south, the Ganllwyd Tram was but a brief spark flung out of the white hot furnace of late Victorian industry and commerce. Looking at what little remains of the Ganllwyd Tramway today the casual observer could be forgiven for doubting that it ever existed.

Sunday, 26 September 2010


It's funny what a nice day can do. My Ganllwyd Tram coach has been one of those slow burn projects that doesn't seem to progress much and needs little to upset the onward march to completion. Yesterday evening marked a high point as I fitted the glazing units and applied the lower band of dark brown to the already ivory body.

There's much still to be done; painting the balconies, lining, and fitting couplings but I am now past the half way point and can foresee completion.

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